Wednesday, June 2, 2010

fashion blogger?

So I would love to be a hardcore fashion blogger that has an American Apparel ad on my blog and wears really uncomfortable shoes. lol. Hopefully that will happen one day. When I was a little girl I dreamed of becoming a super model, but then I didn't grow very tall and realized that I love food way to much. I'm hoping that my love of posing and just being in front of a camera will come back. But I just feel kind of awkward when I'm the only one in a picture. I guess I'll just keep forcing Bella to be in my pictures too. lol.

This picture was taken in Los Feliz, currently my favorite part of LA <3 202

You know that school that they use as an exterior shot in almost every TV show ever made? Well I found it one day while driving through Los Feliz. I'm sure I could have just googled it, but stumbling upon it was so much more exciting :) Somehow I was able to talk Dani into taking a bunch of pics of me with my pretty new camera. Here are a few of my favorites:


(I had a brilliant idea to jump over Bella, luckily I did not land on her when she made a run for it)

have an oh sew lovely day

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