Friday, November 19, 2010

so womanly ;)

Dear Ovaries,

I know you hate me because I don't plan on using you for children. Sorry my heart aches for the orphans in Ethiopia instead of birthing my "own" babies. But do you really have to cause me so much pain!?!? I'm only 21, shouldn't I have a few years before I start getting cysts? So in conclusion... Leave me the F alone! The pain sucks!


Your Home For Now

Thursday, November 18, 2010

a funny quote

This summer I taught several kids sewing classes to sweet little girls that were full of funny thoughts. I've been meaning to post this one since then, so here it is.

"I don't really like being  Christian, well except for Jesus. He's really awesome!"
-Little V

 and here's another...

"Live, Love, Sew; That The Way We Roll."
-Little P

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

some thoughts

Tomorrow is one week away from Thanksgiving, which is one month away from Christmas, which is basically the end of 2010! I just looked at my goals for this year, and pretty much I have failed. But I feel mixed because I have accomplished a lot and been through hellish times. So am I really a failure because I didn't accomplish those goals? Or did my goals just change? Let's review my goals...

1. Lose at least 25 lbs.
So I gained 10lbs because I'm an emotional eater and my mom had cancer. Now I have 35lbs to lose and I am 20lbs over the most I thought I would ever weigh.

2. Cook at least 1 meal a week.

Yeah, um that I really did fail at ;)

3. Blog at least once a week.
Ooh another fail, but at the same time not a fail because I just didn't want to.

4. Teach Bella to sit, stay, come, down, roll over, shake, and speak.

She can sit and down when I have a treat, and come when she feels like it. She does this adorable version of roll over where she rolls onto her back and looks at me like, "Is this good enough?", and it always is.

5. Get my real estate license and sell/buy 1 house.
Um what was I thinking lol? So not in my future :)

6. Stay in control of my spending.
For the most part I totally rocked at this. But I may have had a brief Iced Soy Latte addiction that I'm still battling.

7. Buy a car.
My pretty Prius :) Currently I'm getting 43.6 mph. You know you're jealous.

8. Get a tattoo.
I still have time for this one.

9. Find a charity to believe in and give to.


10. Stop cursing like a sailor.
Well on the positive side, I don't curse in front of clients?

Well I think it's a combo, I failed at some and my goal changed.

have an oh sew lovely day ;)

P.S. My Mommy's cancer is all gone!!!!!!! Remission baby!!!!!!!!!!!