Sunday, May 16, 2010

too long!

Hello World :) I really am determined to blog more. lol. I just need to get my camera fixed and then I'll be good to go :) So I thought I'd give a quick update on my goals for this year....

1. Lose at least 25 lbs.
Um, I gained 10 so I now have 35 to loose :/

2. Cook at least 1 meal a week.
Does salad count?

3. Blog at least once a week.
Hahaha. That's a good one. I'm starting now!

4. Teach Bella to sit, stay, come, down, roll over, shake, and speak.
She can sit, stay, come, and down. But only when she wants to or I have food. She also heels and doesn't pee quite so much when she freaks out.

5. Get my real estate license and sell/buy 1 house.
Um what was I thinking? Soooo not for me. Instead I changed up my business, and now make more money and am a happy person again :)

6. Stay in control of my spending.
Check! Although I have started buying new clothing which I'm determined to stop. I have a million projects that are just waiting for me.

7. Buy a car.
'07 Prius!!! woot woot. I love, love, love my car :)

8. Get a tattoo.
I'm going to have a little thread spool done on the left side of my ribs at some point this month! I'm trying to get my Daddy to draw it for me, but he almost had a mini stroke when I asked him. But seriously, his face totally spasmed and he looked super scared.

9. Find a charity to believe in and give to.
I have found the charity, now I just need to give. I plan on sponsoring a little girl first and then a little boy :) Check it out: Children's HopeChest

10. Stop cursing like a sailor.
This really depends on the moment, but I am really trying lol.

So overall I'd say that I'm doing a pretty good job on my goals :) Here's a pic of me eating some Diddy Reese in Westwood. Pic taken by the oh sew lovely Dani :) I think I look like a little kid in this pic.