Wednesday, June 23, 2010

beautiful video

cancer sucks, but her attitude doesn't

January my amazing mom found the tiniest of lumps in her right breast.
February she was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer.
April a double mastectomy was performed.
May was spent healing, both physically and emotionally.
June chemo started, along with the loss of her hair.
Although it has been a roller coaster ride we have tried to stay as positive as possible, and it has really helped. The moments of pity and anger are normal and totally ok, we just try not to linger in them for too long. The type of breast cancer that my mom had ("had" because there is not a trace of it left in her body) is the rarest, but we were blessed because she found it in its earliest stage.

My Mommy is amazing, my BFF and always there for me. She has guided me through everything and taught me so much :) I'm so proud of the way that she has chosen to approach this sucky situation. She'll be the first to admit that its easier for her to be negative rather than positive, but she is trying so hard now to look on the bright side. I love her forever :)

My Daddy is pretty awesome too :) He shaved his head to show his support for my mom.

Our "bald" heads :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What's for dinner?

Lately I've been on a quesadilla kick, they're quick and satisfy my cravings for "real" food. Currently I'm making my quesadillas with organic tortillas, peppered or crumbled goat cheese (SO yummy, and a little goes a long way), and pico de gallo salsa. These ingredients are way better, in taste and health, than the normal cheddar cheese and beef/chicken.  

I tend to eat the same food for a while until I get sick of it, and then move on to another thing and then again get sick of it. Are you seeing a pattern? I just might have a bit of an addictive personality. lol. Either that, or I get comfortable with a routine.

On a side note I'm LOVING that Blogger has finally added new and customizable page designs. I think I might change this design and layout way to often like I did in high school with my myspace. Seriously, I would change it like every week. lol.

Well here's to a lovely week :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

this will make you lol

I found this on A CUP OF JO, one of my favorite blogs, and I could not stop laughing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

fashion blogger?

So I would love to be a hardcore fashion blogger that has an American Apparel ad on my blog and wears really uncomfortable shoes. lol. Hopefully that will happen one day. When I was a little girl I dreamed of becoming a super model, but then I didn't grow very tall and realized that I love food way to much. I'm hoping that my love of posing and just being in front of a camera will come back. But I just feel kind of awkward when I'm the only one in a picture. I guess I'll just keep forcing Bella to be in my pictures too. lol.

This picture was taken in Los Feliz, currently my favorite part of LA <3 202

You know that school that they use as an exterior shot in almost every TV show ever made? Well I found it one day while driving through Los Feliz. I'm sure I could have just googled it, but stumbling upon it was so much more exciting :) Somehow I was able to talk Dani into taking a bunch of pics of me with my pretty new camera. Here are a few of my favorites:


(I had a brilliant idea to jump over Bella, luckily I did not land on her when she made a run for it)

have an oh sew lovely day


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.